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Showing posts from October, 2011

Netherlands Quick Facts

I should be studying for a test I have in about 3 hours but the other author on this site is giving me a hard time for not posting as often as I should. I had a neat idea about the happiest countries I read somewhere but that will take some time to put in order. Instead I found some neat little Netherlands fun facts. One big caveat, I've lived in Indiana my whole life and haven't (although I plan too) visited the Netherlands. I'm going off someone elses notes and opinions on these. Although most were taken from a website called discover the Netherlands which I'm guessing means it's fairly truthful. Enjoy. I added my personal comments after each.... + People in the Netherlands eat raw herring with onions on top (It sounds weird but I bet it tastes great!) + Amsterdam has 1,281 bridges (I believe it. They have enough water to go around) + When Dutch schoolchildren pass their exams, they hang a Dutch flag and a school bag outside their homes (Time to celebrate! Hopeful...


Breakfast is not Evident...

Lets look at the Netherlands outside of the Netherlands, shall we? Well sort of... Now we all know that the Netherlands and France have something in common. They are both amazing. Now what would ever happen if someone mixed these two cultures? WHAM! BAMM! I give you "The Narcoleptic Dancers", a Franco-Dutch brother sister indie duo, comprised of Melody Van Kappers & Anton Louis Jr. Yes, you might say "this is too good to be true!" until you have heard some of their songs. I like the description that Music Week gave of them, " Should Juno ever be re-made in France, Narcoleptic Dancers will have a shoe-in for the soundtrack...»" Now you might ask how is the brother French and the sister Dutch? Well, it follows a pretty complicated family dynamic. Their father was a famous Dutch soccer player who was nick named the narcoleptic dancer for his hairstyle and his soccer skills. This famous father, while playing in France, had a passionate mee...