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Showing posts from April, 2014


Beer-Bavaria and Heineken (from the south) are common, but Northern Dutch beer is the bees knees.  Try to find some old bars they will show you some smaller breweries which make some great beers like for instance Texels brewery which makes the best beer on earth called Skuumkoppe. {try it at Moe's- Prins Hendrikkade 142sous} The beer is dang good in Amsterdam.   Hot chocolate- eh, not the best, I prefer the rich melted chocolate and milk hot chocolate I got in Switzerland, but hey if you need something to warm you up it's up to you.   Coffee- espresso, but once again sometimes you can ask for milk and get a cheap cappuccino (depending on the establishment) Genever- a hard liquor, also called Dutch gin.  It is a light whiskey. Fresh orange juice- you can find these machines around Europe now but I love them.  You watch the oranges getting squished, lots of pulp but super fresh.   At Moe's