If you saw this on the beach you probably would be curious but wouldn't think anything of it. But what if it started to walk toward you? Click HERE. to see what that would look like and visit the website. If you search youtube for Theo Jansen you can find many many more of his creations. Here is the video I saw that intrigued me enough to pass it on to you guys. CLICK. Thanks Wallace and Gromit!
These crazy inventions are the works of Theo Jansen a Kinetic Sculptor from the Netherlands. His creations are made out of PVC pipe, water bottles, and plastic tarps. Nothing else. No motors or anything like that. They run off of air power. Currently he's working on a device the will enable his 'creatures' to sense water (ocean) and be able to avoid it. His goal is to make them self sufficient. They are even equipped with bottles to 'trap' the air using air pressure for when the wind isn't available.
He began this unique obsession in 1990. His website Strandbeest (Dutch for Beach Beast) offers all you want to know about Theo including a do it yourself kit.
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