Full Article Here . (I will now summarize. Sorry for the delay. I have been away on a ski trip.) The question. Why are some nations happier and more satisfied than others? 8 ingredients of prosperity. Economy, Entrepreneurship, Governance, Education, Health, Safety, Personal Freedom, and Social Capital. Adding up each countries rankings on their performance in these areas and you get the Legatum Prosperity Index. Legatum ranks 110 countries and their overall level of prosperity. The article goes into much more detail as to why each country attained the ranking it did. After looking at the lists, odd how most of the countries I want to visit are in the first list. Obviously, the Netherlands are 8! Whoo hooo! Surprisingly they're only ranked 1 above the USA. On another side note. It's interesting almost all of the Scandinavian countries rank in the top 10. Time to move, or at least visit. Below are the top 10 happiest and saddest. The photo gallery shows more. Happiest 1) Norway...